Krystal L. Speed

Coach. Minister. Strategist. Writer. Dreamer.

Connecting dots. Connecting people.

Let's Get It Right!

No matter how hard you try, if you aren't taking the right steps, in the right direction, in the right order it's hard to make serious progress towards accomplishing your goals. That's where I come in. As your Accountability Coach or Business Coach, TOGETHER, we will get it right! Learn more.


What fuels me?

Quite simply...A LOT! And, that's okay. In addition to the coaching I do for businesses and individuals I dabble in a few other things. Check out current projects that I'm involved in and see how you can join in making a difference in people's lives and our communities.

The Feasting Soul Blog

Join me in discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary, while chasing after God and falling deeper in love with Jesus. Appreciate dry humor, witty insights and a glimpse of God in the most surprising places? Well friend, I’ve got a spot at the table, just for you. Let's feast!


"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." -H.E. Luccock

Let's play that symphony, together!

From the Pulpit

Sunday mornings you can find me sharing God’s Word at Downtown Baptist Church, primarily with our children. Check out some of the messages I’ve shared with the entire congregation since beginning my ministry at DBC in Alexandria, VA.

August 4, 2019:
The Breakup


May 12, 2015:
The Table


December 30, 2018:
Warned By An Angel


February 17, 2015:
Our Response to the
Greatest Love There Is


June 18, 2017:
Our Father

Intro Video

May 8, 2016:
A Legacy of Strength

Intro Video